• Daily

    我們約會啦~~~ :)

    經過漫長的三個月多lockdown, 疫情總算慢慢放緩了, lockdown也一點點的一點點的relax。 今天趁著考試結束有點空閑時間而且天氣還很好的時候, 我們倆跑出去放風啦~~ (*´艸`*) (媽耶⋯總算可以呼吸一下新鮮空氣了⋯感動ed) 我們先是跑去了看Bristol很有名的彩色房子, 果然沒有讓一早看好天氣預報我們失望, 這裡太適合各種拍拍拍了! 以下放一些不知廉恥(不是)的照片 ⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄ 之後還去了Narrow Quay那邊散了一下步, 果然太陽伯伯一出來, 英國人都各種出來曬太陽了 (畢竟一年到頭能有太陽的時候實在少得可憐XD) 整體而言,今天是很開心也是很重要的一天, 因為天氣真的如預報一樣非常非常好, 最最最最最重要的是:今天是我們從交往之後第!一!次!約!會! 交往之後英國就進入lockdown了, 之前只能天天泡在宿舍, 偶爾出門買買菜, 能出門約會實在是太開心了惹~~ヽ(✿゚▽゚)ノ

  • Daily

    A little update…

    It’s almost been 6 weeks since the UK is put in lockdown, and we began from more than excited for being able to snuggle under the duvet to wanting to resume to our normal lives ASAP. We managed to take a tiny break from staying home to go to the supermarket and grabbed some FRESH foods (yum!) and enjoyed some fresh air too!!! Btw, the more I am stuck at home the more I miss my cat that’s living thousands miles away from me, particular during this kind of stressful time for me (got so much deadlines geezzz). I miss him and want to hug him so BADLY (although he…